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Sandy McNamara

Sandy McNamara
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today I was involved in a Modern Cloth Nappy Random act of Kindness...a RAOK!
It was so much fun! And I gave 3 nappies away and have some coming to me....so much fun!
Sandy McNamara
A Lillie Bug - Children's Playwear
Ph 0434125891
Web Store www.madeit.com.au/alilliebug
Email sandymcnamara7@optusnet.com.au
Blog www.alilliebug.blogspot.com


  1. Recieved My 2 nappies yesterday! Can't wait to try them =)

  2. Fantastic!
    I got my Raok nappies too and I think its a great way to try different types without the out lay of big bucks!
    I hope you like them Kook! They were some of the first I made for Amelia.
    How old is your bub?
